Built on an abandoned missile storage bunker located in a launch complex near Brno, CZ. This home is part of a development intended to reuse and repurpose this destructive construction.
The house is envisioned as an acropolis, not as the acropolis of Athens, but in the general sense of a high [acro] city [polis] built in a fortified position overlooking the surrounding lands. In the past settlements were anchored by a fortification simply for their own protection; today this typology connects the modern bunker to its historical precedent and neuters it, removes its violence, and replaces barriers with connections while maintaining spatial separation. In the distance, Špilberk castle, the fortress of the city of Brno can be seen which has experienced its own set of transitions [from fortress, to prison, and finally cultural landmark.]
Rather than sitting directly upon the hill, the house reinforces the hill, emphasizing the spatial characteristics already present on the site. At the heart of the hill is the true fortress, the ČSSR era missile bunker.
The bunker created the hill, the hill created the house, and the house joins them all into one object.